The Valley Chronicle - In Time for Veterans Day: New Book Teaches Veterans How

In Time for Veterans Day: New Book Teaches Veterans How to Market Their Value and Secure Their Futures

 · 3 min read

San Francisco, CA, November 10, 2021 — After nearly a de_x0002_cade as an Air Force aviator, Graciela Tiscareño-Sato is now a marketing professional and entrepreneur who knows firsthand the military-to-ci_x0002_vilian transition chaos that all service members must navigate as they become vet_x0002_erans. Her groundbreaking new book, B.R.A.N.D. Before Your Resumé, and companion online course, deliver a solu_x0002_tion that is described by Ti_x0002_scareño-Sato as “countercul_x0002_ture to the institutionalized, ineffective, outdated way the DoD and DoL ‘prepare’ peo_x0002_ple to exit the service via the Transition Assistance Pro_x0002_gram.”

B.R.A.N.D. Before Your Re_x0002_sumé readers will complete the “extracting product at_x0002_tributes” exercise, see nearly 30 examples of great brand_x0002_ing created by veterans Ti_x0002_scareño-Sato has personally coached, and learn how to write their own AUTHEN_x0002_TIC personal branding to influence their intended tar_x0002_get audience. Tiscareño-Sato teaches readers a repeatable marketing messaging process that will be useful for years to No. 1 on Amazon’s Hot New Releases in the Military Fam_x0002_ily category, and the Military Writers Society of America recognized B.R.A.N.D. Before Your Resumé with a 2021 Sil_x0002_ver Medal. If you’re a veteran or transi_x0002_tioning service member who has difficulty communicating the distinctive leadership ex_x0002_periences and achievements earned on active duty, Ti_x0002_scareño-Sato’s guidebook and online course can equip you with the skills you need to demonstrate your worth, se_x0002_cure those job interviews, and come. Asked about the book’s title, Tiscareño-Sato said, “I creat_x0002_ed the B.R.A.N.D. acronym to emphasize that military vet_x0002_erans must first Become Rel_x0002_evant, Authentic, Noticeable and Differentiated, instead of writing resumés that nobody will read. We are profession_x0002_als with diverse, transferable skills earned during our mil_x0002_itary service. We must, how_x0002_ever, first intrigue potential employers and networking partners with our distinctive value.”

The book has already reached No. 1 on Amazon’s Hot New Releases in the Military Fam_x0002_ily category, and the Military Writers Society of America recognized B.R.A.N.D. Before Your Resumé with a 2021 Sil_x0002_ver Medal. If you’re a veteran or transi_x0002_tioning service member who has difficulty communicating the distinctive leadership ex_x0002_periences and achievements earned on active duty, Ti_x0002_scareño-Sato’s guidebook and online course can equip you with the skills you need to demonstrate your worth, se_x0002_cure those job interviews, and achieve post-military success. Author Graciela Tiscareño-Sa_x0002_to is an Air Force veteran, award-winning author and bilingual public speaker who has coached over 5,000 vet_x0002_erans, service members and professionals with live and virtual Authentic Person_x0002_al Branding workshops. She is a highly decorated USAF aviator and was a 2014 White House Champion of Change honoree, which recognizes individuals, businesses and organizations whose extraordinary accomplishments pos_x0002_itively affect communities. She completed her Air Force ROTC Aerospace Studies and her degree in Environmen_x0002_tal Design/Architecture from U.C. Berkeley as a scholar_x0002_ship cadet. During Operation Southern Watch, she became the first Latina Air Force avi_x0002_ator to earn an Air Medal for combat air operations.

Tiscareño-Sato has won nu_x0002_merous literary awards for three prior publications, in_x0002_cluding a bilingual children’s book series inspired by her decade of military aviation service. Good Night Cap_x0002_tain Mama/Buenas Noches Capitán Mamá and Captain Mama’s Surprise/La Sorpre_x0002_sa de Capitán Mamá are the first-ever bilingual children’s books about women flying airplanes in our nation’s mil_x0002_itary. She has been featured by NPR, USA Today, the NBC News website, CNN en Español, Univision and Tele_x0002_mundo.